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Meet Randy Hayden

A long time Snohomish County resident, business owner and active citizen with the skills and experience to lead.


We have all felt the burden of over taxation this past year and know those in the majority in Olympia are currently pushing for even more taxes: carbon tax, income tax, mileage tax and more. As your State Representative, ensuring that you keep more of your hard-earned money is a major priority. Accountable Government rather than Big Government promotes politicians that serve the people, not control them.


My focus is on improving the quality of life for all Washington residents and protecting our property and water rights in our District. As a husband, father and grandfather, my concerns mirror yours in making certain that we, and the next generation, can live with less government, keep more of our hard-earned money and peacefully enjoy the land where we live.


I am committed to reducing government regulations, protecting your property, and relieving traffic congestion so you can spend more of your time doing the things you love. 



Professional Experience: Owner of Hayden Construction Company (22 years), Owner of Darrington Mini Storage (15 years), ADTA Armed Defensive Training Association Instructor and Range Safety Officer, and NRA Certified Range Safety Officer.

Boards and Committees:  Elected two terms as Washington State Republican Party State Committeeman and Executive Board Member (3 years), Snohomish County Republican Party Executive Board Member (3 years), State Chairman of the Resolution Committee (current), Snohomish County Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Board Member (3 years), Snohomish County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Member (2011-2016) including Chairman in 2015, Edmonds Economic Development Advisory Board member (1 year), Edmonds Traffic Advisory Board Member (1 year).

Community Service: Art of Marriage Seminars Leader, Volunteer with Weekend to Remember at Semiahmoo resort - 3 years through Family Life, Coach and Referee for youth sports, Volunteer at Everett Gospel Mission and past Pastor Elder at my church.

I have lived in Snohomish County my entire adult life. In 1999 I moved to Darrington and after 3 months there I knew I was home. I have spent the last 18 years focused on small city life. I have spent several years slowly remodeling my Darrington home for retirement, raising cows on my property, spending my time managing my Darrington storage business, along with my Edmonds’ construction company.


My wife, Cathy and I have 3 kids and 6 grandchildren, some of whom also live in the 39th LD. I have always been focused on the community around, coaching and refereeing youth sports, serving at the Everett Gospel Mission, and Pastor Elder at my church, utilizing the philosophy of giving those around me a hand up not a hand out.  


The experiences I have encountered as a land owner and businessman, have given me the insight and motivation to go to Olympia to ensure the 39th has passionate, representative leadership preserving the priorities and character of the 39th Legislative District.

Family & Community



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